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What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

We have used our personal gadgets for the project as we were bound to follow the covid guidelines by the government. Online meetings were conducted to discuss over the project. Digital video cameras were used to capture the visual data required for our project. Internet was the main source for collecting additional information. Social media was the point where members could share their views. Everyone could contribute their their part in the project due to technology. Books were also the source for  the content. Talking to the local residents and tibal people also helped a lot in completing the project. Various apps were also helpful for Photoshop, vediography and editing etc. Creativity of thestudents and guidance of our teachers was the essential requirement for our success.

In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person?


Members of the Cyberfair team provided the interested students of primary classes some basic knowledge about the history and the culture of Rayagada. The students were very excited throughout the interaction session and were curious to know more. Further, we approached the local people and collected more information about the history of this place. We also talked with dome tribal people to collect information about their culture. We further consulted various members of the tribal museum for acute information. Our journey of being the ambassadors for this project in this international platform, enriched us to propagate this passion and dedication for our rich culture throughout the times to come. We hope that this research will let the world unfold the charm of this paradise.

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What has been the impact of your project on your community?

Our project played an important role in making people aware of the paradise Rayagada which is not yet fully explored. Peaceful and heavenly paradises as such are far better than the busy cities.  People on getting awarded about the beauty of such a place could  substitute  the tourist places in their bucket list and let the place get its popularity it deserve.  Such places are the cultural memory of our vivid country ‘INDIA’ and thus need to be recognised. It is a matter of any serious importance to preserve beauty of scene or interest of association might have been to talk an unknown tongue; but this is not true at the present day. The time has past when life in our great manufacturing and trading centres was deemed to consist merely in the amplification of factories and stores, in the utilization of an unlimited supply of cheap labour, and in the building up of large individual fortunes.

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How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

The assistance provided by our experienced and committed teachers and faculties was invaluable in helping our project get everything done in a very timely manner. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our Principal and the management committee who motivated and provided us this golden opportunity to carry forward this project. Our parents stayed as the pillars of strength with us whenever we required their help, opinions, and support. We are grateful to our friends who motivated us throughout this enlightening journey. We consulted many local inhabitants regarding this. We had both auditory and visual interaction with them. Many of them had provided us valuable information concerning our endeavours. We gathered a lot of information about the beauty, culture, importance and history of Rayagada with time. We got to know about the significance it carries with its existence. The tribal people served to be an abode of knowledge and information and guided us throughout this project.

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Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises 

Discoveries were a crucial part of our project. Exploration of this place made us do various discoveries. We also learnt numerous things througout the project. While searching for the content we got enormous knowledge.
We learnt about the importance of culture, nature and learnt how to preserve them. We learnt about the origin of the tribe and their contribution in our culture. Last but not the least we learnt that "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." and hence understood the importance of teamwork.

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