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Our Project Overview


Southern Odisha is home to a diverse community of people with various ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. The region is known for its tribal communities, which form a significant part of the population. The people of southern Odisha are also known for their strong sense of community and close ties to the land and the natural environment. The traditional way of life of the diverse community in Southern Odisha has shown a more significant impact by modernization and industrialization, but efforts are being made to preserve their unique cultural heritage and the beauty of greenery. The communities have strong ties towards the natural environment that have helped to sustain the traditional way of life, and efforts are being made to ensure that their culture, heritage, and their natural environment are preserved for future generations.


Southern Odisha is well known for its lush green forests, which are home to a distinct range of flora and fauna. The region is located in the Eastern Ghats, which is a biodiversity hotspot and is known for its unique ecosystem. The project aims to proliferate awareness about environmental affairs and encourage people to take action and protect the environment. The industrial impact on Southern Odisha has been significant. The region is home to several major industries including steel, bauxite, aluminum, and power sectors, etc. The growth of these industries has had both positive and negative impacts on the region. Positive impacts include economic growth, skill development, and infrastructure development (such as roads, bridges, and ports) which has facilitated the transportation of goods and services, etc. Whereas negative impacts include environmental degradation in the region, health hazards and displacement of local communities, etc.

Overall, while the growth of the industry has brought about economic development in southern Odisha, it is essential to ensure that this growth is sustainable and does not come at the cost of the environment and the well-being of the local population. The government and industries have worked together to implement sustainable development practices and mitigate the negative impact of industrialization on the region.


A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home: more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom: 4-6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom: dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet: more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access


“A good internet connection provided by the school helped us to collaborate with various community members while working on this project. With the help of a computer, we were able to collect various relevant information which helped us to accomplish our project on time.”


The time to work on our project started to coincide with the period of our annual examination and so we had little time on our hands. As a result, we could not give our complete attention and effort to this project. This was one of the major problems that we had to sort out. In addition to this, we could not get enough guidance from our teachers as they were also engaged in the evaluation of answer scripts of the examination. Also, there was a limit to the number of computers having internet access which decelerated our task. But luckily, we could have access to industries that were within our reach. As we were out of the time we had to devote some extra time to our research work. And ‘struggle’ was the obvious word to get our success.



'Industrial growth should never come at the cost of the environment. Let's work towards sustainable development, protecting our natural resources, and ensuring a better future for generations to come.'


A CyberFair project can address content standards related to the project's topic, such as social studies, language arts, and technology standards. It can fit into required school, district, or state curriculum guidelines by addressing specific learning objectives and competencies. By working on a CyberFair project, students can develop new skills such as conducting research, using digital media, collaborating with peers, and presenting information effectively. They can practice group concepts such as teamwork, communication, and conflict resolution. A CyberFair project can help students better understand specific ideas related to the project's topic and fit into the requirements for their school or class.

Through the CyberFair project, students can make discoveries about their educational system and the role they play in their school community. They can learn about global issues and engage with global communities using digital media. The effectiveness of using the internet for teaching and learning can be demonstrated by the CyberFair project, as it provides opportunities for students to develop digital media skills, collaborate with peers, and engage with global communities.

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