A leading PAPER MANUFACTURER in India with a combined production capacity of 290000 tons per annum.
Production Facilities:
It operates two integrated Pulp and Paper Mills in India:
JK Paper Mills in Rayagada (Orissa), in eastern India and
Central Pulp Mills in Songadh (Gujarat), in western India
High quality standards:
Both the units are ISO 14001:2004 certified for their eco-friendly operations and OSHAS 18001:2007 certified for Health, Safety
and Security.

1st Integrated Pulp and Paper Company in India conferred with TPM Excellence Award by Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance.
We strive to be ahead of the competition by constantly moving up the value chain. Today our branded and value added products constitute almost the entire production. We are market leaders in office paper & among the top 2 players in coated and high end packaging board.
The Company has an export footprint for high value branded products and Packaging Boards in the Middle East, South East Asia, SAARC and various African countries.

Great companies are the result of motivated employees who act as leaders in their own sphere of work to drive the Company into the future. At JK Paper, we have always believed that true leadership is about developing leaders at all levels. Because it is they, who with their passion, initiative and teamwork, anticipate change and lead their Company towards higher goals. Perhaps that is why, despite our 50 years in the business and a mindset that cherishes human values, we remain young, vibrant and ever alive to the challenges of today.
Extensive investments are made toward people and people practices. Fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship has enabled JK Paper to be the "change leader" in the Indian paper industry.
Talent pool at JK Paper would rank among the very best in the Indian Paper Industry today.
As we marchforward to take on the challenges of tomorrow, it is these self-motivated individuals of JK Paper who are leading the journey of change from the forefront.
Schools - Three schools providing education to over 3000 students with significant portion of them from SC & ST
Adult Literacy Programme enabling - 3250 illiterate to become literate.
Adoption/ Upgradation of Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Ukai, Gujarat under PPP route Providing training in line with industry requirements. Close to 425 students trained in various trades
SPARSH is a CSR unit of JKPM which is supporting Nutan Gyanavardhini special school for specially abled children in their education and all other activities
Organizing regular General/Disease specific Health Check up camps at the peripheral villages near the factory sites.
Providing Financial assistance and support to District Administration for organizing 'Swasthya Mela' (Health Fair)
Helping tribal mothers to benefit from Janani Surakhya Yojana
Inauguration of LV Prasad Eye Hospital.