On June 05,2018, JK Paper Mills celebrated the "World Environment Day” to spread the message of Environment Awareness to all employees and students on 5TH JUNE 2018 in neighbouring lands. At JK Paper Mills, a massive Tree Plantation programme was organized. Sri P.K Suri, EVP (Works) along with a large number of employees and students planted saplings.The people present on the occasion were explained about the importance of planting and growing trees in protecting the Environment in to-day's emerging Global Warming scenario. Environment slogan and painting competitions were held amongst employees and school children and prizes were distributed to the winners. A documentary film on 'Climate Change' was shown at HRD centre and a new issue of Eco Bulletin was released.

To spread the awareness of Waste Management among the students, Inter-school quiz,essay and drawing competitions were organized by JK Paper Mills.

Essay writing competition on Environment

drawing competition on Environment

A skit was played by our students to spread the message of "Save Environment"

Terre Green Environment Olympiads were appeared by the students of our eco club